Monday, November 2, 2015

Getting back

"Jesus at the center of it all.  Jesus at the center of it all.  From beginning to the end, it will always be, it's always been you Jesus, Jesus."

I have noticed lately, because my stress levels have been off the charts and my emotions have been running wild, Jesus is not at the center.  Somewhere along the way, while I was walking with my Savior, I looked away and I became the center.  My feelings, my desires, my expectations, my disappointments became my center.

It has been a hard time for our family for the last few months.  It seems like one crisis after another keeps popping up.  And somehow I became to become hyper focused on me and how all this was affecting me.  I began to get angry and bitter.  I began losing control over my emotions and letting them dictate my actions.  I cried more and laughed less.  I yelled more and listened less.  I was unraveling.

Friday night I was finally still enough that I could hear God and I didn't like what he was saying.  He kept bringing to mind all the ickiness of myself over the last week.  I was impatient, childish, spoiled, angry, bitter, unreasonable, jealous, mean...the list goes on.  Saturday I beat myself up pretty bad.  I decided to stop, just stop behaving entitled.  I decided to joyfully serve my people, even if I was gritting my teeth (joy will come...I believe joy will come) and be quiet.  I decided to focus not on my false sense of entitlement but on how changing my heart, mind and actions to realign with God's.    

I texted a friend and poured out my heart.  I made myself step up and and reach out.  I cried and cried, prayed and prayed.  I listened to sermons and praise music.  And God kept talking and talking. I needed to realign myself with Him.  I needed to confess to God and my people and repent.  I had to suck it up, grow up and obey.  It wasn't all about me.  Jesus needed to be back in the center.  

It isn't pretty.  I am still unraveled but God is slowly putting me back together.  I am still tired.  I am still frustrated and upset.  But I am choosing not to behave that way.  I am choosing to react with LOVE, JOY, PEACEFULNESS, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL.  I can't do that without God.  I can't be anything other than my old sinful self.  I can, however, be filled with the Holy Spirit and react as God would if i ask for His help .  I can live in His strength.  I can put Jesus back in the center of my life.

Lord, I have become unglued and unraveled.  I allow my emotions to be dictators instead of indicators.  I yell, scream, rant and rave.  I induce fear and blame.  I need You to glue me back together.  Lord, forgive me.  Change me.  Shield those I have hurt.  Lead me back to Your heart where I can find the peace and self-control I need.  In Jesus's name, Amen.


  1. Praying for you Tory. Life is so hard, but His grace is enough. I promise. :) Love ya!

  2. Thank you for this encouragement! God has richly blessed you and will continue to do so!!
